Community Day 2024 is Saturday, June 29

More info coming soon

Community Day 2023 Saturday, July 1

“Growing Together”

  • 11 AM – Events started as we met in front of the Main House, then drove to Phase III garden for a tour with Will & Wendy
  • Noon – Walked the newly refurbished Babaji Trail lined with newly-planted rhododendrons
  • 2 PM – Jeff and Agnes Waltz hosted a gathering at their Community home

For information on 2024 Community Day on June 29, call Carol or Richard Armour at 989-983-9136 or Anne or John Pfluecke at 989-983-2370 or email

Community Association Committee

February 26, 2024 Meeting

Association Committee Members

The Clear Light Community Association consists of all leaseholders, which the CLCA Committee represents. The Association Committee is separate from the Clear Light Management Committee (CLCMC).

CLCAC – Zoom Meeting Summary – February 26, 2024

ATTENDING: Steve Sandner, Wendy Page-Echols, Angela Lentine, Joe Stermer, Tom Wright,
John Pfluecke, Steve Zawisa

Secretary Angela Lentine’s minutes from the last meeting (11-13-23) were approved by unanimous vote.

Treasurer Steve Zawisa is now officially co-signer (along with Steve and Wendy) on the Association checking account. There was a discussion about possibilities for future income for the actions of the CLCAC Committee, and that there will be a need for a budget in the future. There is very little monetary activity at this point.

The next Community Leaseholders Zoom was proposed to be April 22, 2024 at 6 PM

Steve said that Richard Armor suggested that our committee become involved with the pathway (nicknamed “Sweet Path”) that runs alongside Retreat Road and connects to Babaji It could be part of community day, and may be brought up at the next open meeting. This was discussed as a safety concern for those walking. There was general discussion about finding out what is specifically needed. Yogacharya to Tranquility was suggested as a place to start with this path work.

Happy Camper Committee – Euchre has been the focus recently. Wendy has been sending information about things going on locally. She is proposing that some of this information be shared on the website. Wendy also shares information like doctors, dentists, etc. that could be helpful for new people in the community.

Wendy inquired about the list for builders and contractors – resources – that would help people when building, etc. This compilation had been started, and Angela and Wendy will continue to gather information.

Safety – One AED but we need more because you need to access them quickly. We need one at the lodge and the domes. And one in each phase of the community in someone’s house – needs to be accessible at all times. Arrangements would have to be made when someone is gone. They are $750.00 each. The retreat is going to try to purchase two for the main house and domes. That leaves the community for Phase 1-2-3. Options for fundraising were discussed.

People not trained for CPR need training and then every other year needs to be re certified.

Would be nice to find someone that can be trained as a trainer to save money to train.

Only two households had ‘go’ bags packed, in case of fire or big storm, in the last safety training.

We will see about asking about volunteers from retreat side and community side at the next Leaseholder Zoom Meeting, Tom is going to find out more details on how to become trained and what it takes, how to get equipment, etc.

Meetin was adjourned by unanimous vote.

Community Association Committee

November 13 2023 Meeting

Association Committee Members

The Clear Light Community Association consists of all leaseholders, which the CLCA Committee represents. The Association Committee is separate from the Clear Light Management Committee (CLCMC).

November 13 Meeting Attendees: Steve Sandner, Wendy Page-Echols, Angela Lentine, Joe Stermer, Tom Wright, John Pfluecke, Steve Zawisa (treasurer) – absent: Mike Krumpelt

In a discussion about Community safety, it was mentioned that 19 people are trained in CPR in Community. We will be assembling a list of names. There is a big first aid kit on hooks in main house, also an AED with a little bag prominent in the main house.

The Community Garden Phase III now has a well, but no electricity until possibly spring 2024.

Angela Lentine is now the official committee secretary, replacing John Pfluecke

Support is needed on the Community website. Steve will inquire among other Community members and to see who is willing and available.

Steve Zawisa is voted in as the new treasurer of the committee, replacing Steve Sandner.

We discussed finding a date for a CLCAC Leaseholder meeting – those who are leaseholders already (The CLCMC Zoom meeting in January has a wider scope of invitees). Discussion for a Spring meeting. April 20 already has a couple of Ranch events scheduled, so CLCAC Zoom meeting will probably be in May, date TBA.

Happy Camper Committee (Wendy) – At gatherings in the Main House people are learning to play Euchre and there is a nice mix of staff and community members. There was discussion about adding another organizer, and proposing inviting Community members to attend other events in the area, such as hiking, cross-country skiing, music events, book signings, other events in Gaylord/Petoskey, etc.

There was discussion that a chipper may be needed in the spring, possibly to purchase? – and we will coordinate with CLCMC

Steve Sandner is working to keep the website up, and will post a summary of each CLCAC meeting. New pictures are always welcome! – Steve mentioned that Carol Armour has asked him to compose a video and/or pictures of some of the new homes to be presented at the January CLCMC Community Zoom meeting on January 20.

For more information on the Association Committee and its activities, contact Steve Sandner:

Community Association Committee

March 4 2023 Meeting

Association Committee

The Clear Light Community Association Committee met recently on March 4, 2023 after being relatively inactive for several years.

The Clear Light Community Association consists of all leaseholders, which the CLCA Committee represents. The committee has been in existence for over 10 years, and, with recent meetings in November and March, has started to become more active. The Association Committee is separate from the Clear Light Management Committee (CLCMC).

The members of the committee are: Steve Sandner (president), Wendy Page-Echols, Angela Lentine (secretary), Steve Zawisa, Joe Stermer, Tom Wright, John Pfluecke, and Michael Krumpelt.

At the March 4 meeting, the first thing on our agenda was to set a date for a Community Zoom meeting for ALL LEASEHOLDERS for June 24, 2023. The time for the meeting was tentatively set for 10:30 AM. Email announcements and reminders will be sent out, and information will be posted on the web site.

Wendy talked about her starting, after mentioning it at our last meeting, a “Happy Camper” program where the Community sponsors a variety of activities on a monthly basis. The first event took place on February 13 at the Main House, with a variety of games, and staff was invited to join. Wendy reported that it was a resounding success!

The committee also talked about safety concerns within the Community and the Retreat. At least three of our committee are trained in CPR, and it’s possible one or two committee members could be certified to teach CPR in the near future. We talked about making sure everyone has awareness of the first aid kit in the mainhouse. Also, we made note that there is already a wellness committee that has been established among Community members outside of our committee. We also talked about the importance of the red folder, which every home has on top of their refrigerator, containing emergency contact information and other information related to the Community.

The committee discussed other Community issues and interests, including the Phase III garden, which is mainly being handled thus far by the CLCMC board. Gift baskets, and other logistics for our board membership and structure were discussed.

For more information on the Association Committee and its activities, contact Steve Sandner:

Happy Camper Evening at the Mainhouse.

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